This LIFE is semi-retired.

Hi! I'm updating this space to tell you guys that this second, seemingly, kinda, sort of unsuccessful attempt at deeply documenting my thoughts I call a blog will now be semi-retired. Facebook status updates and tweeting are a lot easier these days to blab about things like my views on life, society, and current events. Blogging, however, takes a little bit of thought. Heck, even THIS pinned post takes a while to be typed too.

The NARNIA division, however, I shall try and actively live it up; where I'll say good or crappy things about films, TV series, music, video games, events, or literature I have read... if this lazy-leech thing ever comes off of my brain, that is. 'Till then.


No kidding around.

Nice; it's around 5 A.M, and it's raining outside.

Yesterday, the phrase "Grow up!" made me bit my tongue.
I guess I truly understand what it means now.
I mean, there's nothing wrong with embracing your inner childhood, but we are getting older and getting more experienced for God's sake. We should know how to act properly at the right moments, or no one will ever take us seriously.

I know you don't mean what you said, dude.
But it does make sense in a way.
Thanks for knocking my head senseless too; or else I would never stop doing that.

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