I don't know how this song is related to this, but it suddenly popped into my head when the thing that I wanna talk about happened.
Well, we've been on the computer or laptops almost everyday and every moment, ESPECIALLY in the Facebook age, right? Are you afraid of it? No, right? Sure it might kill your health slowly via radiation and shit, sure it'll affect you psychologically with all of its motherfucking quirks and shit, but it won't cost you your life or anything like that, right (not unless you were very near with your laptop when it exploded or electrocuted)? It's not like you need the aid of a computer to like breathe or anything, right? No, of course not.
Right now, I'm currently on my awesome Loser's Path to the Road of Awesomeness... err... I mean, progressively on the road of getting that goddamn laminated card thingy the agency above care to call a driver's license.
With that said, before I could get to the practical stage of the Loser's Path and get my hands on that piece of laminated paper, I had to answer these seemingly easy, but mind-playing objective questions on a measly computer which are being housed in the above agency's online server. And since it's the school holidays, the sweet-sixteens are pumped up to get their hands on the same thing I'm aiming for, so that in turn affects the JPJ's online server. As a result, me and some girl, an alien to the situation together with this awesome driver for yesterday instead of the usual guy (she's VERY pretty. :P) got pissed off so damn much. I mean, I was so mentally prepared for my fourth retake of the test, man (yup, I failed THRICE)! So, we came in the next day, which is today, hoping that the servers are okay again, but the same thing happened! But somehow, when my usual driver arrived and wanted to send us home around the afternoon or so after hours of me sleeping while waiting for my name to be called, the server magically went back to normal for a brief moment! So me and the other repeaters seized the opportunity, with me got the butterflies all over again, and went on to take the test. And guess what? From 40 out of 50 on my third retake...
I went slightly overboard from 40, and barely got over the passing marks! I guess all that intense slacking off while reading the darn drivers' guidebook paid off pretty decently, huh? And I got nervous over something that only required my common sense! I mean, I got nervous over a computer program? What a loser!
The conclusion here? This thing helps you get over the psychological aspect of your brain while at the same time, tests your knowledge and understanding in being a slave to the code of road conducts. I mean, this is just the beginning! The total worst stuff is yet to come! Yup. That's the whole point of this blog post, ladies and gents.
P/S: Alhamdulillah.
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